We love bringing the delight of designs to fintech and making it FinteD-proof! Know more



Start-up menu

A special menu for MSMEs to thrive and grow


We follow a lean methodology to turn around valuable solutions within a stringent timeframe


With design expertise at our core, we are equipped to take your product to the next level


By adapting a design thinking mindset since the inception, we ensure quality and structure


We know what it takes to build big as well as how to start from scratch; to create a wholesome product

I want to start🚀


Idea to POC





Turning your groundbreaking idea into a proof of concept (POC) for the investors

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  • Competition analysis report
  • Task flow
  • Hi-fi screens
  • Prototype

Idea to MVP





When you have a solid POC, you turn it into a minimum viable product (MVP)

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Everything in Standard, plus
  • UX workshop report
  • Information architecture
  • User interview report
  • Wireframes
  • Design system

Idea to Market





Turning your groundbreaking idea into a proof of concept (POC) for the investors

Get a quote


Everything in Professional, plus
  • Stylepad
  • Frontend development
  • Backend development

Features Matrix


Idea to POC




MVP to Market


Subject to nature of
scope & engagement

2-3 weeks

4-6 weeks

6-8 weeks






UX Workshop

Interactive & in-depth brainstorming sessions to set goals, get clarity, and exchange ideas.

1 session

1 day (in person/virtual)

2-3 days, expert

Scope Definition

A detailed document that defines the timeline, resources, and efforts involved in the project.

Competition Analysis

Qualitative research & analysis of what your competition in the industry is doing.

3-5 interviews

6-10 interviews

User Interviews

A structured discussion with your target audience to understand their perspective and needs.




UX Audit

A thorough evaluation of a website/app to determine users' issues and pain points.

As applicable

Information Architecture

An information layout that defines the pages and features’ placement according to importance.

Keyscreens, task flows



A collage of different visual elements (colors, typography, pictures) that define your brand.

Design System

A set of standard guidelines to manage design across teams to maintain consistency.

Basic, components library



A visual guide that defines the content, visual & written, on any given page of your website/app.


As strategized

High fidelity screen

A detailed & defined prototype that resembles the market-ready version of your product.

8-10 screens

11-20 screens

20-30 screens

UX Writing

Content for your website/app that communicates the right message to your users.


Working, non-clickable mockup of your website/app’s design for testing feature workings.

Click through, basic





Core technologies for building websites, HTML is the structure within which CSS provides the layout.


Management of all the backend logic & integrations focusing on databases.


Checking the functionality of the design & code for bug-fixing and quality assurance.

Post-dev Support

A 2-week support post website deployment to ensure smooth working & functioning.

Want to go outside the box?

That's alright! Customize your basket with us.

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A basket of lemons

Marketing Packages

Create strong brand awareness with marketing
Corporate identity icon

Corporate identity

Establish a strong brand connect

  • tick-icon Logo design
  • tick-icon Basic brand manual
Product video icon

Product video

Give life to your brand

  • tick-icon Script
  • tick-icon Storyboard
  • tick-icon Visual design
  • tick-icon Animation
  • tick-icon Video editing
Pitch deck design icon

Pitch deck design

Leave an impression with pitches

  • tick-icon Content flow & structure
  • tick-icon Presentation design
Social media marketing (SMM) icon

Social media marketing

Become social media savvy

  • tick-icon Content startegy
  • tick-icon Content calendar
  • tick-icon Conceptualization
  • tick-icon Visual design
  • tick-icon Animation*
  • tick-icon Posting
*Applicable on demand


Don't worry, we have answers

POC stands for proof of concept. It means a visual, interactive representation of your product. For a POC to be designed, a kickoff meeting with stakeholders/decision-makers is conducted to get a clear understanding of the product’s requirements. After an analysis from the agency, POC provides a clear picture of the idea from a product perspective and its features.

Designing a product is a complex task. It has to go through a long and detailed process of understanding the challenge, users’ pain points, brainstorming on possible solutions, designs, tests, iterations, and so on and so forth. This process is not only long but also effort-consuming and costly. Startups might not have the capital or the manpower to go through this at the initial product launch, and in such cases MVP comes to the rescue.

MVP, short for minimum viable product, is the most basic, stripped-down version of your final product, with only its key features. MVPs are useful and cost-effective to understand the response, feedback, possible challenges, and solutions. It can be used to test and analyze the working of your product before it is launched full-fledged into the market. Think of it as a soft launch of your product.

Yes, you can. Even though we have curated these offerings with experience, sometimes your requirements might differ from the ones we are offering in a particular package. You can get in touch with us to discuss the requirements of your product, and we can come to a customized solution that suits your needs in the best way possible.
A scope definition is a document that defines the timeline, efforts, resources, and scope of work involved in a project. This document is often used to help the client and the agency to get clarity on what is expected to be followed and delivered. It also helps to set the commercials to justify each and every effort put in by both the client and the agency.

Low & high-fidelity wireframes in UI/UX design are different stages of designing an app or website, which designers follow to bring the ideas to life onto the screen. Once the concept and plan of action is clear to the agency, designers start working on low-fidelity wireframes. These are basic sketches that portray the placement and layout of your product’s design. Low-fidelity wireframes are effective deliverables that can be sent for quick feedback to the client.

Based on the iterations, high-fidelity wireframes are designed. These are the final, refined designs of your product that can be sent ahead for prototyping to give you an idea of how the product will look and feel.

Information architecture is the stage in design where a blueprint of your product’s features is laid out to understand the information/content layout. It helps to get a clear picture of all your features and where they are going to be placed. This defines the importance of your features and avoids any loopholes in user experience.

Tuesday @ LY

#Appreciation Tuesday

Get ready to be soaked on Tuesdays, because Appreciations rain at LY!

We know that you know about FinTech.
But you don't know what we know about FinteD
You make a note of it in
Thought On The Wall