Strategy Officer
Amit Bhambere

Dream is how one would describe his life. Meet Amit Bhambere, a student turned artist turned designer turned entrepreneur and full-time experience designer. Also fondly known as our very own,
“UX Man!”
Growing up, his eyes and heart were always on the lookout for arts and crafts. From sculpting his own Ganpati idol to sketching seamless flipbook stories, his artistic flair knew no bounds.
Fun fact: These hobbies have stood the test of time. Legends say he still molds his Ganpati idol every year. Till date. Talk about devotion.
“Art chose me before I could choose art. From a medium of experiment to one of expression, It has always been an important part of my life. We cross paths almost everywhere I go.”
“For as long as I can remember, “Dream” has been my favorite word. Because I resonate dreaming with doing. You dream it, you do it.”
However, unlike most artists, even the thought of pursuing the arts as a profession hadn’t occurred to him. Everyone else around him, on the other hand, was convinced that he is an emerging
artist. But as fate would have it, he went on to pursue fine arts at Sir J. J. School of Arts… and how! He passed out with flying colors, quite literally, as the University topper!
As he embarked on his professional journey, visual art and advertising were familiar terms, UX was not. And how could it be? It wasn’t until 2007 that the term UX was coined. The sweet
realization sunk in with time and experience, that what he has been doing this whole time is called ‘user experience’.
What happened next was a natural transition of a traditional design school student into an experience designer in the UI UX industry. An industry unheard of, but one that had a calling of
its own, one that felt like home from the very beginning.
“It’s quite easy and enjoyable to continue doing what you already know. But it’s a lot more challenging (and fun) to do something you don’t know. Try it.”

His professional journey involves many years of designing experiences at Disney Star, Rediff and Hotstar, among other accomplished organizations. All until his entrepreneurial journey began,
as the Co-founder of Lemon Yellow, alongside his brother and Founder, Sameer Bhambere.
Under the guidance and leadership of the Bhambere brothers and Co-founder Priyanka Baya, Lemon Yellow grew. It was carefully designed and developed to be the successful design company it is
today, and the story continues…

As a Co-founder and entrepreneur, his journey has been a mix of challenges and achievements. But his vision helps him tackle each challenge with a smile. The vision of spreading the goodness
of design, and building Lemon Yellow as a company that solves big problems - for people and businesses.
A dream that is coming true with every experience we curate, alongside a team of creative Lemons, past, present, and future!
“I absolutely love what I do. Solving real-life problems with
innovative solutions… tell me that’s not magic!”
-Amit Bhambere